
The art of caring, the science of healing and the skills for the job of life.

GL Rehabilitation Services
2620 Waunona Way ♦ Madison WI 53713 ♦ Phone 608-212-1202 ♦ Fax 608-223-1459 ♦


GL Rehabilitation Services
posts a Notice of Privacy Practices in
each clinic describing how the disclosure personal health information to
carry out treatment, payment or health care administrative operations
and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law is handled.
The notice also describes the rights to access and control personal
health information. Additionally GL Rehabilitation Services gives each
patient a copy of the notice. GL Rehabilitation Services is required by
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
to maintain the privacy of personal health information and to adhere to
certain privacy practices. GL Rehabilitation Services adheres to the
terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices